No booking fees
Unlike other travel companies, we won't charge you to book tickets or to use your credit or debit card. With redspottedhanky.com you can save on average 61%* compared with tickets bought on the same day.
Collect tickets to suit you
Use over 900 ticket machines at stations nation wide, or select delivery to your office.
The choice is yours.
Add your own travel policies
You have full control over what your company can book by managing your own company travel policies. You can restrict 1st class travel and peak time tickets and limit who is able to purchase train travel within the business.
Individual accountability
Add individual travellers to your system, report on spend at cost centre or individual levels.
Additional levels of bespoke reporting
Our detailed management information suite easily tailor reports to suit your needs
Up to 45 days credit
We offer up to 45 days credit which gives your company a little breathing space for monitoring cash flow.
User friendly interface
Book when you want, how you want.
Manage your company train travel spend
redspottedhanky.com Rail Travel Business Solutions is an intuitive self service booking system that enables you to manage your business train travel spend from individual users all the way up to business administrators.

Ring us on the number below (9:00am - 5:30pm Mon - Fri) and we will try and help!

You can drop us an email with your queries and we'll get back to you as soon as possible
Apply for a redspottedhanky.com business account today, and start taking control of your corporate travel.